Saturday, October 13, 2012

Read-a-Thon Mini-Challenge

"Oldies But Goodies"
Hosted by Allie at A Literary Odyssey

Allie asked, "What classic book should all high school aged children read and why?"

My first thought was To Kill a Mockingbird. I first read it as a high school senior, and it has affected the way I've viewed the world for the past thirty years. I saw the play version this past summer and was reminded again why I so love this book!

A lot of read-a-thon participants answered Allie's question with TKMB. Some other answers I liked were The Outsiders (which my thirteen-year-old son just finished and I'd like to re-read), Fahrenheit 451 (which I also read in high school), The Color Purple (which I read for a college class I took about twenty years ago), Of Mice and Men (which I read just last year), and Frankenstein (which I also read just last year).

A few of those mentioned that I haven't read that but need (and want) to read are The Little Prince, The Count of Monte Cristo, and The Diary of Anne Frank.

A book I think all teens should read that wasn't mentioned - maybe because it was published in 2000 and so probably doesn't (yet) qualify as a "classic" - is Jerry Spinelli's Stargirl. I first read it when my oldest child had to read it in school - and I found it to be an amazing celebration of nonconformity!

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