Sunday, June 01, 2008

My Book Binge

book bingeSince May is my busiest month at the office, it probably wasn't the best month to try to "binge" on books. But I had to try - and this is what I ended up with (in alphabetical order):

(The links are to my reviews.)

Seven books in May. Not many compared to lots of people. But not too bad for me. (I'm still behind pace on making my goal of 104 books for the year, but I remain hopeful that it can still happen.)

To see what other book bingers read, click here.


  1. 7 books is fantastic! When I see people's numbers already up in the 80s for the year, I try to remind myself of the national average. :) As long as I'm above that...right?!?

  2. Seven is good. I'm going to have to put a couple of those on my list.

  3. So what did you think of them? Which was your favorite?

  4. Are you on Goodreads?

  5. Hi again! I'm even reading again! Getting back what is important in life. I read your review of Picoult that you linked and was amazed that there was symbolism in her books. I have only read one. I will put this one on my list for summer, as I have already done with Kite Runner and Thousand Suns. Thank you for the heads up! (heads ups?)

  6. "Well-behaved Women..." is now on my To-Read list. It sounds terrific. (And the author's your aunt? Very cool!)

