Thursday, October 18, 2012

The Schwa Was Here
by Neal Shusterman

Originally published in 2004.
Audiobook read by the author.

How can something that makes me laugh out loud one minute make me cry the next?!

The Schwa Was Here is a terrific story - one to which anyone who has ever felt ignored or invisible will relate. The tale is told from the viewpoint of Antsy Bonano, whose "voice" is wonderful - and I loved hearing Antsy's words from Neal Shusterman himself.

This is the third of Shusterman's books I've read - and all three are very different reading experiences. I've definitely become a fan!

Shusterman's website is here.



  1. I'm starting his book Unwind for my book group this week. Hope it's as good as this one. I will definitely add this one to the list.

    Your reading is so wonderfully eclectic. I love it. I love it when we can't pigeon-hole someone by what they read. How you must grow mentally.

    Great review!

    1. Unwind was the first of Shusterman's books I read - and I was blown away! I hope you enjoy it. I hope to get to the sequel Unwholly sometime soon.

  2. Love! This! Book! :) Have you read Antsy Does Time yet? I may have liked it even better. We are reading Unwind for our book club too! In December.

    1. I'm moving Antsy Does Time up on my to-read list! I hope you'll like Unwind too!
