September 22-December 21
Hosted by Katrina at Callapidder Days
For the next thirteen weeks, I am going to "fall into reading"! It has been extremely difficult for me, however, to create a list of what I'm going to read. There are simply too many books on my to-read list! In the best possible world, I would read one book every single autumn day - but, alas, work and family and sleep and other necessary activities preclude that possibility.
My first list-making attempt resulted in a reading list of about 60 books. Then I started gathering those of the 60 that I have here at home, either because I own it (either in traditional format or on my Kindle) or because I've already checked it out of the library:
That pile was still too big for me to reasonably tackle during a thirteen-week span - and I'd rather end up with a feeling of accomplishment than a feeling of defeat. (By the way, I've been averaging a book-and-a-half per week this year, so I figure that I ought to be able to read 20 books in thirteen weeks without too much "challenge" - and a few more, especially if they're not too long, if I make it a priority.)
After adding a few titles of upcoming "required" reading (for my book clubs and for a literature class I start next month) plus a couple of new releases I'd like to get my hands on, I used the "random" sort function on goodreads (with just a little cheating) to narrow my list to the 26 books I plan to read for this challenge.
Here is the eclectic selection (in alphabetical order by author):
- Letter to My Daughter by Maya Angelou
(I plan to listen to this one on CD during my commute.) - The Book of Mormon Girl: A Memoir of an American Faith by Joanna Brooks
(This is a memoir by the author of the blog Ask Mormon Girl.) - The Sand Bar by Rebecca Bryan
(I gratefully received a copy of this debut novel by a local author for review.) - Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn
(I checked out this recent release from the Kindle Lending Library, which is my favorite new "toy.") - The Fault in Our Stars by John Green
(I have heard many good things about this young adult novel.) - Baker Towers by Jennifer Haigh
(This is another one I plan to "read" via audiobook.) - Palace of Stone by Shannon Hale
(My daughter and I attended the book launch for this sequel to Princess Academy.) - With a Name Like Love by Tess Hilmo
(This is one of the children's books I will be reading in my literature class this year.) - Christ and the New Covenant by Jeffrey R. Holland
(I would like to read this one as I wrap up this year's Sunday School course of study.) - The Lions of Little Rock by Kristin Levine
(I think this children's historical fiction novel is getting some Newbery buzz.) - Gathering Blue by Lois Lowry
(The Giver is one of my all-time favorites, and I am planning to read the three books that complete the series, including the recently released Son.) - Messenger by Lois Lowry
- Son by Lois Lowry
- Sister by Rosamund Lupton
(This is one of the current Salt Lake County Reader's Choice nominees.) - Life of Pi by Yann Martel
(My book club read this several years ago, but I skipped it because I was going to be out of town during the meeting. Since only two of the current members of the group - which has undergone a lot of change over the years - have read it, we've picked it again.) - Heaven is Here: An Incredible Story of Hope, Triumph, and Everyday Joy by Stephanie Nielson
(This is the recently-released memoir by the blogger at NieNie Dialogues.) - The Buddha in the Attic by Julie Otsuka
(I have had my eye on this short historical fiction novel for a while.) - Between the Lines by Jodi Picoult and Samantha Van Leer
(This is a collaboration between one of my favorite authors and her teenage daughter.) - Simplify: A Guide to Caring for the Soul by Carolyn J. Rasmus
(Something about the title of this one just appeals to me deep inside.) - Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin
(I adore Gretchen Rubin, and I am eager to read this second look at the concept of a "happiness project"!) - The Year My Son and I Were Born: A Story of Down Syndrome, Motherhood, and Self-Discovery by Kathryn Lynard Soper
(I have been wanting to read this memoir for some time.) - Before Ever After by Samantha Sotto
(This is another novel I was happy to receive for review.) - Liar & Spy by Rebecca Stead
(This is the latest book by the 2010 Newbery award winner.) - Malice by Robert K. Tanenbaum
(It has been more than five years since I read a book in the Butch Karp/Marlene Ciampi series, which currently stands at 24 books. This is the nineteenth.) - Variant by Robison Wells
(This is one of the young adult books I will be reading in my literature class this year.) - Doomsday Book by Connie Willis
(I am re-reading this all-time favorite for one of my book clubs.)
How I wish I could read all of my original picks during this challenge! (For the curious, here is a link to the complete "second-attempt" list.) But - as my sixteen-year-old daughter pointed out - it's not like I'm going to stop reading once winter arrives!