Saturday, April 10, 2010

Elapsed Time 7:00

Progress Report

Time Read: 3:45

Pages Read: 289.

Books Finished: 2. (I've read The Chosen One by Carol Lynch Williams in addition to finishing Nocturne by Harrison Gradwell Slater.)

Time Blogged: 2:15

Frame of Mind: I'm really tired, and I've got a headache. After I finish this post and do a little blog-hopping to visit other read-a-thon participants, I'm going to have a shower to see if that'll revive me.

Cans of Diet Coke with Lime Consumed: 3.

Food Consumed: One bowl of Lucky Charms cereal. One bag of microwave popcorn. Light lunch of ham, hard-boiled eggs, and French bread.


  1. You're doing great :) Keep reading!

  2. Books, books
    They're everywhere
    How you read them
    We don't care!

  3. Looks like you are making great headway
    Keep up the reading, don’t let that head sway
    Eyes on the page and coffee in hand
    You’ll be entering a new land.


  4. Austen, Hemingway
    Rushdie, Poe
    When it comes to reading
    You’re a pro!

  5. Headaches and reading don't mix! I hope it's better now. Here's one more cheer to keep you going:

    You can do it-
    You're so hip.
    Give that page
    Another flip!

    Halfway through
    You're going strong.
    With awesome books
    You can't go wrong!

  6. "A story to me means a plot where there is some surprise. Because that is how life is- full of surprises", by Isaac Bashevis Singer. I hope your day is full of book surprises. Happy Reading!
    Readthon Cheeleader and Follower
