Total books read: 80.
(Sadly, for the first time since 2007 - the year I created this blog - I failed to read more books than I had read the previous year. Eighty equals my total for 2008, and in 2011 I read 93. I can't really pinpoint all the causes of the lesser output in 2012, but I think I worked more hours than in previous years. According to goodreads, I also read more pages in 2012 than I did in any year since 2007 except 2011 - so, although I know the page count isn't entirely accurate, perhaps I simply read longer books this year. No matter the cause, I'm planning for a higher count in 2013!)
Fiction: 64.
Non-fiction: 16.
Audiobooks: 32.
(I guess I've got to be glad that I can "read" during my commuting time!)
On the Kindle: 16.
(I purchased seven of these. I borrowed the other nine from the Kindle Lending Library.)
Published in 2012: 12.
Published prior to 1990: 1.
Books by male authors: 18.
Books by female authors: 62.
Books that are the first of a series: 8.
Books that are part of a series I started prior to 2012: 14.
Historical fiction: 13.
Biography, autobiography, or memoir: 9.
Young adult: 31.
Juvenile: 4.
Review copies: 5.
Read for my Teaching Through Literature class: 6.
Read with the "book lunch girls" (aka Natalie's Book Club): 10.
Read with my long-time book club: 7 (counting one that I also read with the "book lunch girls").
5-star rating: 6.
(These were Between Shades of Gray [a fabulous young adult historical novel, not to be confused with a certain similarly-named erotic romance], Doomsday Book [which was a re-read for me], Flunking Sainthood, Liar & Spy, One Thousand Gifts, and Unbroken.)
4-star rating: 56.
3-star rating: 17.
2-star rating: 1.
What were your reading numbers for 2012?
What are your reading goals for 2013?
Making Time at the End of the World
3 weeks ago